
TERRANCE PHILLIPS -- The Harbor Column

Learning to sail a boat or ride the surf can be quite affordable in our

fine city. Andrea McGuire, senior recreation manager for Newport Beach,

tells me the spring community services catalogue will hit the streets

Feb. 24.

The catalogue is full of sports, education, crafts and recreational

programs for people of all ages. I asked about their sailing programs.

“We offer spring, summer and fall sailing classes and even have a class

involving one hour of tennis and an hour of sailing a Lido 14,” McGuire


The city owns three Lido’s and 14 Sabots. This year they replaced two of

the older Lido’s with newer boats.

The sailing and combination sailing/tennis program attracts approximately

200 participants. The spring session operates during the Newport-Mesa

School District’s spring break. Others run on five consecutive Saturdays

and weekly during the summer.

The class teaches seamanship, safety, rigging and sailing skills. The

class requires a fee of $133.

If you’re bored with boats, you can board a “board.” They also teach

beginning surfing. The city provides the boards, but suggest participants

have wetsuits as the water can get chilly. The Newport Pier class is open

to all ages and the fee is $63.

As a former Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commissioner for Newport Beach,

I was able to view programs offered by other cities. Believe me our

boating, sailing, and Junior Lifeguard programs are second to none!

This is a great opportunity for children to learn a sport or activity the

right way in a safe and supervised environment.

Lt. Dottie Ronan of the Sheriffs Harbor Patrol tells me she’s getting

some new pumps and hose.

“We’re receiving a new fireboat next month to replace an older boat,”

Ronan said.

One can only assume the boat will be outfitted with larger water “pumps”

and a sufficient enough length of “hose” to battle the 12-plus marine

fires that occur annually in our harbor.

“We have three fire boats assigned to Newport that are capable of

assisting departments in L.A. and San Diego. If requested, we will

provide support if a special need arises. We respond to emergencies out

to the 3-mile limit. From that point it’s the Coast Guard’s territory,

however, we respond to emergencies about halfway to Catalina

(approximately 12-miles). The Catalina Department responds as well, so we

meet half way,” Ronan said.

The opening of the new Harbor Patrol facility is postponed and a

completion date will soon be determined.


*The City of Newport Beach Community Services Department web page can be

contacted at, or by calling (949) 644-3151.

*For information on the Voyagers Humphrey Bogart Race series, call (949)


* TERRANCE PHILLIPS is the Daily Pilot’s boating writer. You can leave a

message for him at 949-642-6086 or via e-mail at [email protected] .
