

Steve Smith really hit the nail on the head with his column about the

parents of Brandon Wiener suing the preschool where he was killed by the

“alleged car driver.”

It seems to me the parents would have thoroughly investigated any

day-care center for proper security and safety before enrolling their

child there.

Enrolling their child there would certainly appear to be an endorsement

of the facility from these aspects. It looks like an attorney got ahold

of them and waved a dollar sign under their noses.


Costa Mesa

I am commenting about the story about the woman who is suing the

preschool because of the kids killed there.

It just seems like she is just adding more problem and heartache onto the

people that have suffered from that already. And I don’t know why she has

to make more people suffer after something that was already a terrible

thing that nobody could have probably prevented.

She should be ashamed of herself.


Newport Beach

I think the parents of Brandon Wiener should be ashamed of themselves for

filing a lawsuit against Sheryl Hawkinson. The man who is responsible for

the death of their son, which is a tragedy, is behind bars.

He set out to kill children. And I hope that the judge sees this suit for

what it is and throws it out of the court as a frivolous mercenary thing

after fining both the attorney for the Wieners and the Wieners for

wasting the court’s time. Money will not bring back their son. They

should be absolutely ashamed of themselves.


Costa Mesa

Your paper has articulated so well the dismay I felt when I read of the

lawsuit. Thank you for speaking for me! What a sick society we live in

where neighbors attack the owner of a preschool who erects a wall to

help ensure safety of those within and others think only of financial

gain instead of the emotional support given by those being sued!


Newport Beach

I read Steve Smith’s article about the lawsuit, and as the attorney who

brought it, I must point out some of the flaws in your statements.

You failed to notice that the driver of the car was named as a defendant,

and to date his insurance carrier has ignored the Wieners, and their


Would you continue that situation?

Notwithstanding “The World According to Garp,” I doubt you would want

your children standing by that fence again.

It is unfortunate that the school, and the owner of the property, has to

be in the litigation, but after all discovery is completed, perhaps they

will be dismissed.

The law, as our legislators have formed it, require all known parties to

be named, if they may have any liability.

I thought your article was thoughtful, but without much knowledge of the

law, or the belief that one who causes harm or in this case a death,

should be held responsible


Wiener family lawyer
