
Inside Scoop

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We knew some influential people read the Daily Pilot. But we had no idea

royalty took a keen interest in Newport-Mesa.

Steven Knutson, who helps runs At Ease clothing store in Fashion Island,

said one of his customers is none other than a prince of Saudi Arabia,

who has a home in Newport Beach.

The prince was disheartened to learn one of the store’s employees had

been arrested on embezzlement charges and recently plead guilty to the

crime. Knutson said his esteemed client had noticed he was double charged

on one of his credit card statements.

“He comes in here all the time,” Knutson said of the prince. “He saw the

article and was sorry to hear we had been robbed by one of our own.”


The Orange Coast College P.R. team is great about keeping the Daily Pilot

informed. Each day, they send reporters a thick packet of information

with juicy tidbits including: “OCC Offers 15-Week geography course,”

“learn the event planning business at OCC workshop,” and “892 OCC

students make honor roll list.”

If only our city governments were as open with information.

Add a little flavor to that suit

Snazzy dresser City Works Director Don Webb should be renamed Don Juan or

perhaps Bob Juan. Years ago, when he was first hired to work for Newport

City Hall, the city manager told the resistant Webb that he’d have to

wear a suit to council meetings.

Since then Webb has come up with a unique ensemble every other week. His

piece de resistance was last week when he wore red and blue plaid pants,

a blue coat, red shirt and an Indian totem pole design tie. The outfit

was completed with carefully selected accessories including a cowboy hat

and red socks.

When asked about the process by which he creates these runway

achievements, he said with a mischievous smile that he usually starts

with a unique piece and builds around it.

-- By the Daily Pilot staff
