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WHAT HAPPENED: The school board appointed five new members to the

Citizen’s Budget Advisory Committee on Tuesday night, leaving four more

spaces to fill. There are two members of the community appointed to each

of the seven areas of the district, resulting in a 14-member committee.

Five members stayed on, leaving nine vacancies to fill.

John Bushnell was appointed to Trustee Area 6; Rick Rainey was appointed

to Area 5; Robert Love was appointed to Area 1; Jane Altman-Dwan will

fill one of two vacancies in Area 7; and Gregory Joslyn was appointed to

Area 3.

WHAT IT MEANS: The school board now must search for four more

community members to sit on the committee. The group will hold off on

meetings until it has at least a few more people.


“We won’t wait any longer than March 1, to be fair to the other committee

members,” said Mike Fine, assistant superintendent in charge of finances.

Vote: 7-0 (in favor / against)

WHAT HAPPENED: The board set a schedule for the special study

sessions regarding the facilities master plan.

The meetings will be held every Tuesday night throughout the month of


* Feb. 1 -- 6 p.m. Topic: the creation, makeup and responsibilities of an

oversight committee

* Feb. 8 -- 5:30 p.m. Topic: maintenance reserve. This topic will include

the possible sale of Banning Ranch and Balearic Park properties.

* Feb. 15 -- 6 p.m. Topic: possible ways of funding the facilities


* Feb. 22 -- 6 p.m. Topic: any area that the board feels needs further


* Feb. 29 -- 6 p.m. Topic: special board meeting

WHAT IT MEANS: These study session are a chance for the public to

give input and ask questions regarding the upcoming facilities repairs.

If board members are prepared to do so, they will make decisions at the

special board meeting on Feb. 29.


Feb. 8 -- Study session at 5:30 p.m.; meeting at 7 p.m. Education Center,

2985-A Bear Street, Costa Mesa.
