

“Race horses are very temperamental and you never know if you will be

lucky enough to have a horse in the Derby. I always think I’m going to

wake up from this dream. But I haven’t yet.”

-- Bob Lewis, owner of Charismatic, who was named Horse of the Year.

“I think she jumped the gun.” -- Richard Spix, attorney for Jeanne Brown

and Laurie Lusk, on the fair board’s position that the former owners of

the Pacific Amphitheater may be entering into anti-competitive territory.

“It’s kind of depressing.” -- Nicholas Contopoulos, associate professor

of OCC’s astronomy department, on the cloudy conditions that prevented

Orange County residents from seeing the lunar eclipse Thursday night.

“Only Mr. Crummel knows.” -- Kevin Ruddy, supervising deputy district

attorney in Riverside County, on why convicted sex offender James Lee

Crummel led police to the remains of a Costa Mesa boy who he is accused

of killing.

“We have to take it as a light moment, otherwise it would be real

frustrating.” -- Costa Mesa Councilwoman Libby Cowan, on resident Bob

Graham’s tendency to link the 19th Street bridge to every other issue in

the city.

“Where do you think the flights are going to fly out of? Your backyard.

Your frontyard. Your school.” -- Airport Working Group activist Richard

Taylor, on the possibility of John Wayne Airport expanding if the

proposed El Toro facility gets derailed.

“We won’t stop until the bulldozers start digging there.” -- Mike

Scheafer, a parks commissioner who helped form Citizens for a Quality

Skate Park, on the city’s chosen site at Charle and Hamilton streets.
