
Huntington Beach City School District Wrap-up


Vote: 5-0

Summary: District Supt. Duane Dishno asked the board Jan. 11 to formally

lend its support to Proposition 26.

The proposition, which will be on the March ballot, will lower the

threshold for passing local school bonds to a simple majority.

Bonds now must pass with 66.7% of the vote. California is one of seven

states that require such a majority for local general bonds.

Dishno said Proposition 26 will “place the power to decide school

facilities funding in the hands of a majority of voters.”

He also noted that an October 1999 poll indicated 59% of Californians

support Proposition 26.

Dishno said he is considering a bond to help school facilities, which has

been estimated to need $30 million to $40 million in repairs.

“If Proposition 26 passed, it would make it a lot easier to pass,” Dishno



Vote: 5-0

Summary: Assistant Supt. Lynn Bogart asked for approval for a grant

between Perry School and the Huntington Beach Tree Society.

The $3,000 grant will provide 44 trees to Perry School.

Bogart said that in addition to beautifying the campus, the grant will

provide an instructional purpose.

Each class will be given different trees to study. Students will study a

particular type of tree and participate in a unit using the Internet to

gain knowledge about trees.

Students, teachers, parents and volunteers will plant the trees.

SI-- Andrew Wainer
