

An Orange County foundation has given OCC $25,000 for a work program to

help students who have taken time off to return to college.

Representatives from the Margaret E. Oser Foundation presented a check

last month to school officials. The money will help support the college’s

CalWorks Center, which supports 3,000 students every semester who have

come back to school following a break in their education.

The gift will be used to fund 200 OCC reentry students annually who need

assistance but don’t immediately qualify for government-supported


“The ability to immediately provide assistance to deserving students

before they qualify for state-supported assistance programs can often

mean the difference between a student enrolling at OCC or giving up on

his or her educational dreams,” said Nicolette Jackson, the center’s


“The grant will be used to fund small measures of support for students,

such as bus passes, gasoline vouchers, interim child care, book grants

and even campus parking permits,” she added.

The foundation was started in 1986 by Margaret Oser. The foundation,

which has $7.5 million in assets, makes annual distributions to

educational and health services organizations.
