
Weathering the loss of a twin

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Greg Risling

CORONA DEL MAR -- Frank Salucci has remained remarkably composed in the

days following the death of his brother, Carlo, who was killed in an auto

accident over the weekend.

The two siblings, the best of friends, were inseparable. When Frank moved

from the Midwest to California, Carlo came along. If one bought a pair of

shoes, the other would borrow them later on. One brother would call the

other every day without fail.

Being twins probably had something to do with that.

Frank, who lives in Huntington Beach, is mourning the loss of his twin

brother, Carlo, who lived in Corona del Mar. He will be cremated and his

remains scattered across the ocean later this week.

The loss is indescribable, especially when you are talking about your

best friend and twin, Frank said.

“His heart was of gold,” he said. “No matter where he went, people knew

him. He left a lasting impression.”

The two paisanos were born 36 years ago in Ohio. Carlo came first and

Frank wasn’t too far behind.

“He’s five minutes older than me,” Frank said.

They headed to California, where they hooked up with an Italian family

that runs Gina’s Pizza in Corona del Mar. Being part of the restaurant

business was perfect for Carlo because he took great pride in his Italian

bloodlines. He liked to visit businesses run by native Italians, talking

shop and memories of their homeland.

Frank said that while the two brothers shared similar interests, their

personalities were vastly different. Frank spoke fondly of the

characteristics he saw in his brother that he didn’t have.

“He was all the good things I am not,” he said. “When he walked into a

room, he was like a bright candle. He touched a lot of people.”

The constant communication between the two ceased on Saturday, the day

Carlo died. The brothers spoke the day before, just idle chitchat, but

Frank sensed his brother was tying up loose ends with people weeks before

his death.

Frank didn’t hear from his brother on Saturday.

Around 1:30 a.m. Sunday, Carlo was involved in a horrific traffic

accident in Irvine. Carlo and his girlfriend, who was driving, had

finished dinner in Laguna Beach when their car suddenly spun out of


The car was traveling at about 75 mph when it hit two objects, splitting

the vehicle in two. Both victims were found in the back seat. Carlo was

dead at the scene. His girlfriend survived and was taken to a hospital.

The cause of the accident is under investigation.

Frank has kept his wits about him since the accident. He talks of his

brother admirably, knowing that Carlo is in a better place. But he knows

that no one -- absolutely no one -- can replace his brother.

“You can’t replace your best friend,” he said. “Our bond was amazing and

that is something I will never forget.”

Carlo Salucci is survived by two children, two brothers, a sister and his

mother. Services will be held today from 6 to 8 p.m. at Dilday Mortuary

in Huntington Beach, and at 2 p.m. Thursday at Pacific Coast Calvary

Chapel in Westminster.
