

I am opposed to the exercise of eminent domain at all times and at all


Eminent domain was originated at a time in history for a need which has

long since passed. The use of eminent domain is no longer the taking of

private property for public use, but has become the theft of private

property by government officials to give to other individuals for private



Huntington Beach

The City Council is at it again.

From the Labor Day opening of polluted beach waters, to the $20,000

pat-on-the-back city party at the taxpayers’ expense, to the terrifying

idea of wrecking the coastline between 11th and Goldenwest streets in

order to cram in RV parking and fire pits. Now it is time to take land

and continue with the construction of “Disneyland by the sea.”

So if the question is asked: “Is eminent domain fair?” to City Council

members -- hell no, it is not fair to the rest of Huntington Beach’s

loyal residents!


Huntington Beach

Our Police Department helicopter needed an emergency landing field. How

fortunate that the Crest View grounds were open and available to them,

saving one very expensive bit of equipment and the pilot.

This City Council majority, pushing the advisory vote to March of next

year will, I predict, make a name for themselves in the halls of public

administration -- gone-wrong.

I cannot tell you how disappointed I am as a longtime resident of

Huntington Beach and a local political watcher and critic. Our internal

government machine is lacking some vital parts, and it is no wonder that

we, who are at the bottom of the hill so to speak, are having big

problems with our one great natural resource, our beach areas.

Need I say more?


Huntington Beach
