

-- Susan McCormack

ISSUE: Adopt a historic preservation ordinance to recognize important

city sites.

ACTION: Approved, 5-0

SUMMARY: The ordinance, according to staff reports, will promote the

“public health, safety and general welfare by providing for the

identification, protection, enhancement, perpetuation and use of

buildings, structures, sites, districts, neighborhoods and natural

features... having special historical, archeological or community value

in the City.” In doing so, it requires owners of such places to maintain

them, and owners will be eligible to receive recognition for their

properties and grants and loans to maintain them.

ISSUE: Determine position on ambulance services.

ACTION: Approved, 5-0

SUMMARY: Two private companies have been serving the city as part of an

ordinance dating back several decades. The council considered several

options for emergency service, including contracting with a private

service to operate ambulance trucks owned by the city. The council

decided to maintain the status quo by not charging residents a fee for

using emergency services, but it will contract with a private company

using its own vehicles. The move is expected to give the city more

control over ambulance standards.

ISSUE: Allow a reduction in the amount of required parking spaces in

certain situations

ACTION: Approved, 5-0

SUMMARY: This ordinance makes minor changes to off-street parking

standards. Parking lots with more than 25 required spaces may allot 10%

of them as compact spaces. Also, it authorizes the city’s zoning

administrator to allow a property owner to leave open space that law

would require to be parking, such as a courtyard, if the parking space is

not needed.
