

At issue: Measure A, the $123-million school repair bond, failed to reach

the two-thirds vote needed for passage.

It’s absolutely disgusting that the tax protesters and the public school

haters have been successful in defeating the school repair bond (“School

repair bond fails,” Nov. 11).

These are the same people who, over the past two decades, have made

California’s schools the poorest in the nation -- right down there with

the poorest of the Southern states. Also, these are the same people who

then arrogantly turn around and blame the overworked, beleaguered

teachers for turning out uneducated students.

Our public school system has been a major reason that our nation has

become the great nation it is -- something the tax protesters and the

public school haters through zealotry or ignorance cannot grasp.

It makes one ashamed to be a part of such a backward community.


Huntington Beach

Don’t tell me I don’t care about kids.

I do care about the kids, and that’s why I voted no.

I will not send good money after bad to an establishment that allowed the

bathrooms and wiring to get in the condition depicted in literature that

was mailed out. If that is a true picture, then I think it is criminal to

not repair that, instead hiring a consultant for the bond issue and

spending $300,000 on mailings.

We have three voters in our household, and we received an average of

three a week this last month. One would have been more than enough. And

then to spend $100,000 extra for a special election a week after other

districts voted.

Where has the lottery money gone?

But a more important issue here -- where has the money from the sale of

the Ocean View High School land to the Home Depot gone? I voted years ago

on bonds that helped buy that land, and now that’s gone, and I’ve seen no

accounting for where that money from the sale of the land has gone.

The $400,000 I’ve mentioned could have repaired a lot of bathrooms and


Don’t ask me to vote on another bond issue until I can trust the

administrators to budget the money wisely.


Huntington Beach
