
Ocean View pays for Y2K fixes

Andrew Wainer

The Ocean View School District board of trustees this week unanimously

approved a Y2K database conversation project, which is expected to cost

about $60,000.

For the past 15 years the district has used an program called “Q & A” to

maintain its databases. The program is date sensitive and will be

replaced by early December in order to avoid a breakdown with the arrival

of the year 2000, Assistant Supt. Karen Colby said.

The Symcas TSG company will design the program for the payroll, human

resources and accounting departments, Colby said.

“We are looking forward to getting our entire payroll system updated,”

Colby said. “The company has been very responsive to our requests on the


The district has relied on a variety of contractors to update its systems

and has also used in-house specialists to make some areas of its computer

software and hardware Y2K compliant.

The total cost for computer work for the year 200 will be under $100,000,

Colby said.

The vote for approval by the board was 4-0 with trustee Linda Kovach


In other district news, Assistant Supt. Michael Luker proposed that noon

schoolyard duty supervisors and substitute teachers’ wages be increased

in order to keep the district’s wages competitive with neighboring


The board will vote on the proposal at a future meeting.
