
Targets of the bond


Built 1970

Sinking buildings

Leaking roofs

Worn-out plumbing

Worn-out electrical systems

Outdated bathrooms

Fountain Valley

Built 1966

Sinking buildings

Outdated bathrooms

Damaged floors, ceilings, walls

Outdated security and alarm systems

Worn-out electrical systems

Huntington Beach

Built 1926

Leaking roofs

Worn-out plumbing

Outdated bathrooms


Outdated security and alarm systems


Built 1963

Sinking building

Leaking roofs

Outdated bathrooms

Outdated plumbing

Outdated electrical systems

Ocean View

Built 1976

Termite-infested and dry-rotted portables

Leaking roofs

Outdated security and alarm systems

Worn-out electrical systems

Worn-out plumbing


Built 1959

Leaking roofs


Outdated bathrooms

Worn-out plumbing

Outdated security and alarm systems

Valley Vista High School

Built 1992

Lunch shelter

Rewire classrooms for computers and technology

Code compliance upgrades

Adult Education/Coast High School

New modular school

Note: All campuses except Ocean View, Valley Vista, and Adult

Education/Coast high schools need earthquake retrofitting to meet

building codes.

Asbestos and lead-based paint removal, renovating electrical wiring and

power for computers and Internet access, upgrading access for persons

with disabilities, and rewiring of classrooms for computers and

technology is needed at Edison, Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach,

Marina, Ocean View and Westminster high schools.

Source: Huntington Beach Union High School District
