

One of the ways an observer can tell an issue is foundering for lack of

merit is when its proponents invoke the “it’s for the children” argument.

This Steve Bone did in a guest commentary piece on Oct. 28 (“A ‘Yes’ vote

is a vote for students’ future”).

The school bond issue is not about students. If it were, the district

would never have allowed our schools to get in such a decrepit state.

The bond is about adults. In fact, it is a bailout for adults who don’t

want to be held accountable for their neglect of the students’ welfare

over the past two decades.

Bone says local business is dependent upon an educated work force. True

enough. Abe Lincoln became very educated on the dirt floor of a log


The results of the bond measure will have nothing to do with how educated

our work force becomes.

Bone talks about the bond measure’s safeguards. These are but a gossamer

veil, lacking in substance. The oversight committee can only whine. There

is no reason to believe the set-asides will be spent prudently.

No, don’t fall for the “it’s for the students” diversion or the doomsday


The bond measure’s all about the adults. It’s about those who want the

taxpayers to pay for their mistakes so they don’t have to pay through an

abrupt halt in their careers.

The best money you can spend is not on a new tax for bonds, but on your

family. Keep your wallets closed.

If the district doesn’t get its act together voluntarily, the market will

provide a “no new taxes” solution via vouchers, charter schools, or

education tax credits.

Vote “No” on Measure A.

* Bruce Crawford, a Fountain Valley resident, has run for the Fountain

Valley School District.
