

NEIGHBORS is news about movers and shakers in your community. To submit

information to this feature, please send it the Independent Attn:

Neighbors, 18682 Beach Blvd. Suite 160, Huntington Beach, 92648, fax to

965-7174, or e-mail at: o7 [email protected] .

Ann Riecker, an employee of First Bank & Trust in Huntington Beach,

participated in a fund-raiser in which she was arrested by a

representative of the Muscular Dystrophy Association to raise money for

the association. Riecker was taken from her office, taken by limousine to

the association’s jail and locked for four hours until she made numerous

phone calls in order to post bail to be released. She raised $700 ...

Susan Lynn, city clerk for the City of Fountain Valley, was awarded the

designation of Certified Municipal Clerk from the International Institute

of Municipal Clerks for achieving high educational experience and service

requirements ... Jill Meyers of Huntington Beach, an athlete and scholar

at the University of Massachusetts, was selected as one of Glamour

magazine’s 1999 Top Ten College Women. She will be profiled in the

October issue of the magazine ... Huntington Beach resident Bill Saska

was recently honored as a local hero in the fight against breast cancer

at Shelly BMW. After Saska lost his sister to breast cancer five years

ago, he began running in the Komen Orange County Race for the Cure in her

honor, and volunteering his time to The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer

Foundation ... The Irvine-based investment banking and financial advisory

firm of BCC Capital Partners, LLC recently named Huntington Beach

resident Bret C. Schaffer as a principal and the Managing Director of

Transactions Execution ... Huntington Beach residents Ken Ross and Greg

Ching received the Heroism Award from the Huntington Beach Chamber of

Commerce at its 28th annual Public Safety Awards Luncheon. They were

honored for their help in subduing a suspect who was resisting arrest ...

Officers Alan Caouette and Tim Martin received the Heroism Award from the

Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce at its 28th annual Public Safety

Awards Luncheon. Their quick response saved the lives of two stabbing

victims ... Huntington Beach residents Deanna O’Toole, Lorena Batchelor

and Barbara Jones received the Good Samaritan Award from the Huntington

Beach Chamber Commerce at its 28th annual Public Safety Awards Luncheon.

The trio performed CPR on a man who suffered a heart attack in a real

estate office. The man spent several days in the hospital and recovered

completely ... Huntington Beach Public Water Works employee Jerry

Martinez received the Good Samaritan Award from the Huntington Beach

Chamber Commerce at its 28th annual Public Safety Awards Luncheon.

Martinez helped a mother save the life of her teenage son ... Officer Jim

Moore received the Award for Merit from the Huntington Beach Chamber

Commerce at its 28th annual Public Safety Awards Luncheon. During a

10-month period, Jim functioned both as the manager of the

Budget/Research Unit and the Information Systems Group for the Police

Department ... Dr. Brooke Alexander-Bloom, a Huntington Beach resident,

has been selected by the American Osteopathic Foundation to receive the

Bristol-Myers Squibb Outstanding Resident Award. She will receive the

award at the American Osteopathic Association’s annual convention Oct.

24-28 in San Francisco ... Carol Runzel a Huntington Beach city employee,

was chosen as Toastmasters International Founder’s District’s Division C

“Toastmaster of the Year.” Runzel is a member of Tongue Tamers Club in

Huntington Beach ... Richard T. Hurst was recently promoted to chief

petty officer. Hurst, 32, is the son-in-law of William Hamilton of

Huntington Beach. He is an instructor at the Afloat Training Group,

Pacific Fleet, in San Diego ... Huntington Beach resident Jami Goldman,

who in 1987 survived 10 days stranded by a, was the subject of an episode

on “A Second Chance,” which aired on Lifetime Television. Both of

Goldman’s legs were amputated after a terrible case of frostbite. In

1996, Goldman trained for two months and competed in her first worldwide

competition. She broke the 200-meter world record running event in her

category, double below-the-knee amputee, finishing second in the race.

She also holds the world record in the 100- and 200-meter events for her

category and has run the fastest time ever in the 400 meter, although she

does not technically hold the world record in the 400 meter because of

high winds ... Army Pvt. James C. Mounce has arrived at Fort Knox, Ky.,

to complete basic combat training. Mounce is the grandson of Jim Mounce

of Huntington Beach. The private is a 1999 graduate of Huntington Beach

High School ... Army Reserve Maj. Wesley H. Avery has been decorated with

the Army Commendation Medal. The medal is awarded to individuals who

demonstrate outstanding achievement or meritorious service in the

performance of their duties on behalf of the Army. Avery is the commander

of Area Support Team with the 414th Base Support Battalion in Kirchgoens,

Germany. He is the brother of Kerry Leth of Huntington Beach ... Michael

G. Motschman completed three weeks of basic military training and has

been officially accepted into the U.S. Air Force Academy Preparatory

School in Colorado Springs, Colo. He is the son of Leslie L. Motschman

and Kenneth M. Wanner, both of Fountain Valley. He is a 1999 graduate of Fountain Valley High School.
