
Conference on youth role models proves popular

Elise Gee

COSTA MESA -- A conference today and Tuesday aimed at the various

societal ills facing children in the 21st century has drawn a sold-out

crowd of 400.

The conference at the Doubletree Inn, titled “Heroes for a New Generation

and a New Century,” will feature four well-known speakers:

* Ward Connerly, former member of the University of California Board of

Regents, who is known for his support of Proposition 209, which

eliminated affirmative action at the universities.

* David Horowitz, president of the Center for the Study of Popular


* Cal Thomas, syndicated columnist and author of “Blinded by Might: Can

the Religious Right Save America?”

* Steve Allen, actor and author, who will speak about the lack of role

models in the media.

The conference will examine what children value, whether they cherish

freedom under rule of law, and if they are willing to assume the

responsibilities that freedom entails.

Connerly will offer an address titled “The Content of Our Children’s

Character,” and Thomas will conclude the conference with a speech called

“Heroes Aren’t Made in Washington.”

The conference is hosted by the Hillsdale College Shavano Institute for

National Leadership. Hillsdale is a small liberal arts college in

Minnesota that prides itself on not taking federal money or allowing its

students to do so.

The purpose of that practice is to avoid having to comply with federal

programs, including Title 9, which ensures gender equality in school

sports programs.

“We’re highly independent,” school spokesman Ron Trowbridge said.

Trowbridge described Hillsdale as a nondenominational school that defends

without apology the Western Judeo-Christian tradition.

A crowd of mostly older and conservative or Libertarian people are

expected to attend the conference, Trowbridge said.

“It’s not a conference for left-wingers,” he said.
