
Gwen Myers of Thurston Middle School earns Spirit of LBUSD Award

The Laguna Beach Unified School District honored Thurston Middle School’s attendance and student records specialist Gwen Myers with the 10th annual Spirit of LBUSD Award, according to a news release.

Supt. Jason Viloria last week announced that Myers was the award recipient during the district’s annual breakfast to welcome employees for the new school year.

Since its inception in 2008, the district has presented the award to an employee who “exemplifies extraordinary service to others,” the release said.


“As part of the office staff at Thurston, Gwen’s calm demeanor is an asset helping not only young teens in angst but the parents as well,” district board President Jan Vickers said in the release.

Myers was hired as an instructional assistant in the Community Learning Center at Top of the World Elementary in 1999, and was promoted to her current position in 2011, the release said.

“Gwen’s incredible attention to detail, her unwavering support of all students and her incredibly positive attitude makes each and every [day] amazing,” Thurston Principal Jenny Salberg said in the release.

The district’s superintendent and assistant superintendents select the award recipient, Assistant Supt. of Human Resources and Public Communications Leisa Winston wrote in an email.

Myers graduated from Laguna Beach High School and received her bachelor’s degree in biology from UC Santa Cruz, according to the release. She worked several years as an animal trainer in the entertainment business.

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