
Mensinger honored for public service

Costa Mesa Mayor Pro Tem Steve Mensinger was recently recognized for public service by a conservative Newport Beach-based political organization.

The Family Action Political Action Committee gave the Mesa Verde resident one of its Red Tie awards during a Dec. 5 luncheon at the Pacific Club in Newport Beach.

Mensinger was credited for political positions that have included tackling the influence of organized labor on city politics.


“When you take tough positions, there’s always push-back,” Mensinger said in a follow-up interview. “We’re in a battle to balance our budgets, gain control of city government and give government back to the community.”

He said the event also touched on how politicians’ families are affected by a contentious political environment.

Mayor Jim Righeimer, a co-founder of Family Action, said Mensinger was emotional during the ceremony and received a standing ovation from the 175 or so guests in attendance.

Righeimer, who consistently stands with Mensinger on council matters, said the mayor pro tem perseveres “no matter what’s happening to him” or who is “attacking him politically.”

Mensinger’s attorney recently said he was informed that the Orange County district attorney’s office found evidence of a tracking device placed on the councilman’s car.

“The leadership of this group really wanted to make sure that people understand that giving public service is not as simple as it might seem,” Righeimer said.

—Bradley Zint

Twitter: @bradleyzint
