
Councilman’s expletive raises hackles

Newport Beach City Councilman Rush Hill’s spicy language ruffled feathers at a heated council meeting Tuesday night where officials were discussing whether to hike residential pier fees.

He used the S-word after residents complained.

“In part, we’re here because the previous council didn’t want to take the kind of [expletive] we’re taking now,” he said before the packed chambers.

Boos and jeers ensued.

Later in the meeting, he apologized “for [his] language, not [his] attitude.”

Friday, Hill said he feels about the same as he did Tuesday.

“I don’t have any comments on it. As far as I’m concerned, it’s old news at this point,” he said.


“I’m getting a bit of mail on [the incident],” Rush added. “It’s all positive. The direction of [the comments] was, it’s about time someone stood up to this group.”

Discussions over the fee increases have been tense at several council meetings and workshops on the subject.

— Jill Cowan

Twitter: @jillcowan
