
Home rehab loans available for Costa Mesa residents

Costa Mesa is accepting applications for no-interest, single-family home rehabilitation loans.

The loans are federally funded and available to single-family homeowners who need mechanical, electrical, plumbing or roofing repairs. The loans can also be used for windows, security, health and safety benefits, or improve readiness for a medical emergency.

Eligibility is based on family size and income, with loans limited to one per household. The maximum loan value is 85% of the home’s current market value. The home value may not exceed $493,050, and the maximum loan is $50,000.


Deferred payment loans without interest will be deferred until the sale of the house or if it is refinanced. There is no wait list for applications.

For more information, call (714) 754-5329.

—Joseph Serna

Twitter: @JosephSerna
