
Safety concerns prompt tree removal at school

The Laguna Beach Unified School District recently removed trees and brush from a hillside surrounding the Laguna Beach High School baseball field after neighbors, two arborists, the Laguna Beach Fire Department and the city’s animal services department raised concerns, district facilities Director Ted Doughty said this week.

“Some neighbors were concerned about the unkept nature of the slope,” Doughty said. “We got calls from the Fire Department saying there was a lot of dead material on the slopes.”

Arborists worried that branches could break off from eucalyptus trees, while animal services officials said overgrown brush created a haven for coyotes, Doughty said.


Crews cleared all brush and removed some trees from the district-owned property, Doughty said, unable to immediately provide a number.

Animal Services Officer Dave Pietarila advocated thinning out the brush and said he was pleased the district went a step further.

“So far from what I’ve seen, I am very happy with it,” Pietarila wrote in an email.

Doughty received several calls — in favor of and against the changes — since the work was done.

“Some people were ecstatic that they got views back they haven’t had in a long time,” Doughty said. “Detractors said, ‘You can’t cut down trees. We’ve lost history.’ There are arguments on both sides.”

The district is working on a replanting-beautification project for the area, which could cost around $85,000, Doughty said.

—Bryce Alderton

Twitter: @AldertonBryce
