Mailbag: Mozambique parking situation not very fair
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Recently, I stopped by Mozambique to check out the stage and sound system because our band, Close Enough, has been invited to play there from 5 to 7 p.m. Nov. 11 for the early bird session.
Having been a past resident of Laguna Beach (living at Bluebird and Summit), I know very well to look for parking signage, which I did. Seeing none, I parked at the corner of Bluebird and Glenneyre. I parked on the east side of Glenneyre facing north and was the first vehicle on the corner.
As I walked to the restaurant, I once again scanned the street for parking signage and seeing none I felt good about my parking choice (a full block away). Upon entering the once known “Tortilla Flats,” I stopped and spoke with an old associate I hadn’t seen in several years as they were on their way out. I was very impressed with Mozambique’s staff and stage/sound system. I enjoyed watching the patrons dancing, and the band was good so I stayed until 10 p.m.
When I got back to my truck, I noticed a ticket on it and was disheartened that I would get one when parking a block away. I, for the third time, looked for parking signage and still did not see any! I thought to myself, “This is a fine way to drive away business.”
Fortunately for me the ticket was only a “warning” ticket. Permits are only for Laguna Beach residents. Wow, what if I worked at Mozambique? Do I have to take up valuable space in the valet parking? Do the Marine Room and other Laguna night spots have the same parking issues?
Not very fair or friendly, Laguna Beach!
Mark Leland Pryor
Mission Viejo
More support for save the trees movement
“I know that I shall never see a poem as lovely as a tree.”
—Joyce Kilmer
Re. “Council backs tree cutting,” Oct. 21, about the removal of five eucalyptus trees in Bluebird Canyon:
On Oct. 18, I watched the City Council. Someone in the neighborhood stated, “I didn’t call Edison! The trees are a fire hazard.”
The agenda item was eucalyptus trees in half of the 1400 block of Bluebird Canyon. Seems as if the resident in question has an agenda to rid “her” block of anything that would block “her” view.
Other residents spoke in favor of keeping the trees and the city would trim them every three years. They could be laced so strong winds would not knock off branches.
Residents spoke of arborists. Were there any who were consulted?
I am visiting my brother and have heard much of the controversy from neighbors and family. I believe the “save the trees” group had more support than the “tree cutters.”
Margaret Weber
Laguna Beach
Real crosswalks need to be installed
This letter was addressed to Jim Beres, civilian supervisor of the Laguna Beach Police Department:
I consider the light crossings at Oak Street and Coast Highway; Laguna College of Art & Design and Laguna Canyon Road; and Viejo Street and Coast Highway (or near there) a cruel joke for pedestrians trying to cross the highway at these locations.
People have told me about close calls, and I witnessed many near-accidents at these locations. Last Sunday, I had my own near miss at LCAD where I stopped for a pedestrian, but the BMW driver behind me failed to stop. Had I not taken evasive action I would not be writing this letter today.
Rather than use an attention-grabbing crosswalk light like a railroad crossing, these yellow Christmas lights were selected to coax pedestrians across the highway yet prevent any inconvenience to drivers of Porsche Cayennes. These lights are a poor committee compromise for stopping traffic at pedestrian crosswalks. Let’s get some real crosswalks installed before somebody gets killed.
Caltrans could make simple improvements immediately to alert automobile drivers and improve safety:
•Post highway speeds at these crosswalks for 25 mph, not 35 and 45;
•Post warning signage in bright orange to slow traffic;
•Install a pedestrian stencil at crosswalk to wake up drivers.
Copenhagen uses topless traffic docents to get drivers’ attention, reduce vehicle speeds and improve pedestrian safety. Annual temperatures in Laguna are warm enough to use docents all year long.
Les Miklosy
Laguna Beach
The writer is the chairman for Complete Streets Task Force.
That World Series game was for you
Laguna Beach writer Arnold Hano is a true baseball fan. I think it’s safe to say he grew up in the old Polo Grounds. His biographies of some of the game’s greatest players are treasured by those of us lucky enough to know and admire him. With these thoughts in mind, I offer up my own ode to America’s pastime.
To our grandparents who listened to Lou Gehrig’s tearful goodbye, last Thursday night’s World Series game was for you.
To our parents who remember Joe DiMaggio’s 56-game hitting streak, last Thursday night’s World Series game was for you.
To the next Willie Mays who dreams of making “The Catch” in center field, last Thursday night’s World Series game was for you.
To every Little League coach who’s told his team, “It ain’t over ‘til it’s over,” last Thursday night’s World Series game was for you.
To every fan who’s waved a “You gotta believe” sign at the ballpark, last Thursday night’s World Series game was for you.
To every American who refuses to give up, even in this terrible economy, last Thursday night’s World Series game was for you.
Denny Freidenrich
Laguna Beach