
Edward Reno

Edward Reno
District 3 (Dover Shores, Mariner’s Mile)
Running against Rush Hill

Name: Edward Reno

Age: 41

Birthplace: Phoenix

How long have you lived in Newport Beach: More than 10 years

Occupation: national director of government affairs - Allergan Inc.

Education: USC

Previously elected or appointed positions: commissioner, California Department of Boating and Waterways; member, city of Newport Beach Environmental Quality Affairs Citizen Committee

Community organizations you belong to: board member, OC marathon, board member, Orange County Boy Scouts, board member, Orange County Business Council

What do you think are the biggest issues facing Newport Beach right now?

The upcoming re-negotiation of the airport settlement agreement in 2015. The continued need for funds for bay dredging and its general health. The need for more and improved youth sports fields. The opportunities to revitalize areas of our city such as Mariner’s Mile and Lido Village. The continuing impact of the economy on our city’s fiscal state.


With the John Wayne Airport Settlement Agreement up for renegotiation in 2015, what should the city ask for to limit the environmental impacts to Newport Beach residents?

We should ask for a continuance of the current agreement limiting the amount of passengers flying into and out of JWA and a continued enforcement of the curfew limiting planes from flying in the middle of the night. Additionally, we should ask for a prohibition on the noisiest models of airplanes.

As the lead lobbyist for a multi-national company headquartered here in Orange County, I work in Washington D.C. frequently. As a council member I will bring a unique and unparalleled ability to advocate and educate as to why the settlement agreement needs to be continued. Working in harmony with the citizen organizations and residents of Newport Beach and other cities affected by the airport, I will bring my ability to access and influence the Federal Aviation Administration and those its leadership looks to for guidance so that the settlement agreement remains and our quality of life is protected.

How do you envision the future of Banning Ranch, and what should the city do to accomplish that?

I believe that after many years the time has come to proceed with a plan to recycle Banning Ranch. The current state of Banning Ranch is not acceptable. It needs to be rehabilitated environmentally after the many years of oil well operations and the public should finally be provided access to it.

We have found that the property will cost a significant of amount money to acquire and rehabilitate and that those who would like to preserve the property in its entirety as open space have consistently come up short of funds to do so. I would counsel that the city call on all parties interested in a conservancy approach to the Banning Ranch property show the funding to do so now.

However, if they cannot present the funding mechanisms to acquire the land at a value that is consistent with fair market value then I believe that we should authorize the other plan on the table. This plan provides for a full 70% of Banning Ranch to remain open space and accessible to the public. The remaining 30% of Banning Ranch would be thoughtfully and respectfully developed to harmonize with the west Newport community. Additionally, the developers have committed to rehabilitating the open space and supporting its sustainability for the future.

Either way I believe we must move forward now.
