
A sweeter Seder than normal

Call it a Seder for a sweet tooth.

Temple Bat Yahm in Newport Beach plans two Passover Seders this year, one of which has an unusual main ingredient: chocolate.

A “Chocolate Passover Seder,” in which the traditional food and drink items are given a chocolate twist, will be hosted by the temple women’s group and led by Rabbi Rayna Gevurtz at 7 p.m. April 7 in the main social hall.

“This is just a way to have some fun before the seriousness of the Passover festival,” said Gevurtz.


She added that the event is not intended to replace the traditional Passover.

The traditional Passover Seder is scheduled to be held April 19, the first night of Passover, according to the temple’s calendar.

The Chocolate Passover Seder will also use a special Haggadah, the book which tells the story of the Jew’s enslavement and journey to freedom. However, the book will also incorporate the chocolate theme and is intended to be comical, Gevurtz said.

“It’s just a fun take on a very traditional meal,” said Sorrell Wayne, who is planning the menu. “It’s thinking outside the box.”

All the chocolate dishes will be kosher, or as close to kosher as possible, Wayne said.

The temple is located at 1011 Camelback St. The event is open to the public and costs $10. For more information or to RSVP, call (949) 644-1999.
