
My Pet World: With the right products, you can beat fleas and ticks

Parasites are a popular topic this time of year. Veterinary parasitologist Dr. Michael Dryden, of the Department of Diagnostic Medicine and Pathobiology at Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine, answers reader questions. Dryden speaks around the globe on flea and tick issues and is known lovingly, no doubt, as Dr. Flea.

Q: How worried about tick disease should I be, really? Everyone’s talking about it these days, but isn’t this just a way [for companies] to make money? Years ago, I didn’t hear so much. — S.C., Kansas City

A: “Tick disease is more prevalent today than it’s ever been,” Dryden says. “We love all the deer and other wildlife, but they bring ticks. Even wild turkeys [carry ticks]. Where we live plays a role, as suburbia has sprawled into places where there’s wildlife. Also, weather could be a factor. In any case, wherever there are ticks, you can be certain there’s tick disease.”


Dryden adds that Lyme disease is beginning to infiltrate where you live. It’s spreading southeast and west of New England, where it was first identified, into the Midwest, upper Midwest and Southeast. And while your dog may not require a Lyme vaccine, the prevalence of Lyme in dogs is clearly on the rise. Where Lyme is on the rise, Dryden suggests the Lyme vaccine, as well as a tick preventive and checking your dog daily for ticks.

Where you live, Rocky Mountain spotted fever and ehrlichiosis all too commonly affect unprotected dogs, as well as often fatal cytauxzoonosis in cats. All are spread by ticks.

Since tick disease is probably vastly under-diagnosed, Dryden supports testing to determine if a dog has tick disease in the first place. A simple blood test screens dogs for three types of tick disease: Lyme, ehrlichiosis and anaplasmosis, plus heartworm disease (caused by mosquitoes).

Since the heartworm test should be given annually, for only a few extra dollars it makes good sense for most dogs in most parts of the U.S. to be screened for tick diseases too. Ask your veterinarian about the IDEXX 4-Way Snap test.

Q: The flea and tick product I’ve been using for years — a spot-on suggested by a veterinarian — hasn’t been working, but there doesn’t seem to be a safe alternative at this point. The product is expensive, so I buy it at a big box store. I think veterinarians have priced themselves out of the market. What should I use on my dogs? — A.K.M., Garden City, Mich.

A: “Veterinary [-recommended] products do work, but the right product for your home may be dependent on where you live, and also your pets’ lifestyles,” Dryden says. “In any case, there’s new technology available. Comfortis and Nexgard are monthly chewables, with excellent residual speed of kill, which is how rapid the kill rate is even after the product was given some time ago. The same is true for Bravecto, also a chewable, which has the added bonus of giving the pet 12 weeks of protection.”

Dryden also likes Vectra 3D, a monthly spot-on that can deter fleas and ticks from latching onto your pet in the first place but kills them quickly if they do attach.

Consult your veterinarian about alternative flea products. Some products aren’t any more expensive at the vet office. Wherever you buy, at least get veterinary input first. If you have problems with a product purchased through a veterinarian, you have recourse that you wouldn’t have when buying online or through a big box store.

And believe it or not, counterfeit products are peddled online. Paying a tad more for the right product is far less expensive than dealing with an exterminator or treating tick disease.

Q: I hate fleas, and tick disease is a huge issue here. We’re using the Preventic Collar and a spot-on suggested by our veterinarian to protect against fleas and ticks. We also use a flea bath on our dogs, but we still have a problem. Is there no way to win? Are we doing the right thing? — L.M., Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

A: Living where you do, Dryden wonders if your dogs are frequently in the water, especially shortly after the spot-on is administered.

“No product is perfect, and it’s great we have new choices using new technology,” he notes.

Dryden says your strategy is correct, although he recommends the newer chewable products with speedy residual speed of kill. He also touts Vectra 3D. Dryden adds that he’s a fan of the Preventic Collar, but points out that many flea and tick collars purchased over the counter at big box stores or online just don’t work very well.

“Complimentary protection makes perfect sense in places like Florida, or anywhere in the South, or for that matter Mexico,” he says. “But make sure the products you use do compliment one another and may not be harmful used together. Of course, ask your veterinarian.”

As for a flea dip or bath, Dryden says that isn’t necessary, even where fleas and ticks are abundant. Old-style flea dips are indeed antiquated — and potentially harmful — technology and are no longer suggested.

STEVE DALE hosts the nationally syndicated “Steve Dale’s Pet World” and “The Pet Minute” and is a contributing editor to USA Weekend. Send questions to [email protected]. Include your name, city and state or visit
