
Pet Of The Week

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The Community Animal Network’s pet adoption cages are decorated for the Halloween season at C.A.N.’s weekend Fashion Island pet adoption event sponsored by Russo’s Pet Experience. Some of the kittens and cats are dressed in festive costumes, too.

Almalfi, the last of the purebred Rag Doll mix kittens, is wearing his “little devil” costume. All the Rag Dolls found homes briskly, but Almalfi has just been returned. There were a lot of tears shed over the decision to return Almalfi, whom they had called Rocky, but the Newport Coast family’s child developed a severe allergy.

It will be lucky for someone else now to adopt the sweet silver Rag Doll mix.

See photos of other available animals online at

There was some feedback from the public about the husband not valuing the wife’s commitment and contractual agreement to foster animals in the home. One comment was from one of C.A.N.’s own foster parents who has housed about seven animals over the last several years. The Newport Beach woman said that she didn’t know the foster contract that she signed was ironclad. She claims that she knows that her husband would not want her to sign it.


Fundraising goal: C.A.N. hopes to reach a goal of $10,000. Currently, the network has four monthly donors that together contribute $200, several annual donors and many that contribute at the Christmas holiday and to C.A.N.’s high-profile vet medical rescues that make some costly procedures possible.

C.A.N. deeply appreciates all of your help, but after years of fully utilizing these contributions and saving countless lives, the network unfortunately is now unable to pay its bills. C.A.N. is missing a regular annual $10,000 contribution — leaving its finances in distress.

C.A.N. hopes will help the network reach its goal by mailing your checks to Community Animal Network, P.O. Box 8662 Newport Beach, CA, 92658. Memo the check “Support Local Animals” and nonprofit tax ID 33-0971560.

DIANNA PFAFF-MARTIN is the founder of Community Animal Network.
