
Pet of the Week

Community Animal Network has a humane animal trapper that practices TNR (Trap, Neuter and Return). The cats are released back to the property where they came from to help stop the over-population of stray and feral cats when a “Good Samaritan” is feeding them.

With your help, these two beautiful silver Maine Coon 12-week-old kittens could live safely indoors and become wonderful pets.

They were born outdoors and are extremely afraid and hissy right now. But with your love and patience, our instruction and a cage, you will have the right tools to save lives!


Rescues are overrun with kittens, and there isn’t enough manpower to help them all. So, on Wednesday, these beautiful kittens will have to be released outdoors.

Please inquire to help by calling (949) 759-3646, or email [email protected].

To view other available animals, log on

If you cannot give time, please consider supporting local animals with a donation. Community Animal Network, P.O. Box 8662, Newport Beach, CA 92658, memo, “Help Local Animals”, Tax ID 33-0971560.
